N8W8 in the Rotterdam Central District Magazine

We were featured in the Rotterdam Central District Magazine. In the piece we briefly introduce the N8W8 and shine our light on urban development and opportunities that nightlife provide.

Thys Boer

Wed May 22

In the piece we introduce the N8W8 and the myriad of reasons why we are captivated by the night. We discuss the challenges Rotterdam nightlife is facing and the opportunities we see.


“It is time to see and to support the value of what we’ve got: nightlife that attracts, awes, inspires, connects and has a multitude of payoffs.” – Thys Boer (2024)

Want to read the article? A full PDF is available below:



Supporter worden

Door deel te nemen aan het nachtleven ontwikkelen bewoners van Rotterdam een creatieve, tolerante en onderzoekende houding.
